Is there Leaven in your Bread?

Is there Leaven in your Bread?

Palm Sunday - Preparing for Passover

Palm Sunday is the day that Jesus was recognized as King and Lord by the people of his day. Many people had just witnessed him raise Lazarus from the dead and Jesus’ fame was preceding him into Jerusalem. During much of his ministry, Jesus kept a low profile, telling those who he healed to not tell anyone. But after the spectacle of bringing Lazarus back to life, those who were present to witness this miracle were telling everyone of what they had seen. This set the scene that we all think of when we talk about Palm Sunday. We see Jesus riding on the back of a donkey into Jerusalem and being welcomed by sinners who acknowledge him as King and Lord.

Jesus and the disciples were making their way to Jerusalem for the Passover celebration and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. Jewish pilgrims were instructed by God to make the journey to Jerusalem three times a year at appointed times. We find this in  Deuteronomy 16:16 Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place he will choose: at the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks and the Festival of Tabernacles. No one should appear before the Lord empty-handed: 17 Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.


Independence Day

Passover was a day of remembrance of when God brought Israel out from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. The people of Israel were instructed to sacrifice a lamb, prepare a very specific meal, and eat it in haste on the night that God delivered them. On that night, everyone in the city who did not have the blood of the sacrificial lamb on their doorposts experienced the death of their firstborn. Those who did have the blood of the lamb on their doorposts, experienced the Lord’s pass-over of their home and their firstborns were spared.

The Passover meal is a big deal in Jewish culture. Being good Jewish men, Jesus and his disciples were coming into Jerusalem to celebrate this meal with one another as God had instructed them. You can read the entire account of God giving the original Passover instructions to Moses in Exodus 12. On the heels of the Passover meal, the Israelites were instructed to celebrate a festival of Unleavened Bread. That is, to eat no bread made with yeast in it, because there was no time for the bread to rise on the night of their deliverance from Egypt.

Exodus 12: 17 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come.

For thousands of years, to celebrate this week of remembrance, Jewish families  remove the yeast from their homes. This may be where the idea of spring cleaning came from. The women of a household will spend much effort in removing the leaven from the home prior to the Passover celebration. To make it fun for the children, the mother would often leave some leaven on the floor in the kitchen for them to find. The father would light a candle and lead the children through the home in search of any remaining left in the house. The children would find it and it would be removed from the home.

Jesus clears the Temple

We all know the story of how Jesus came into Jerusalem on a donkey and the people put down their cloaks and palm branches before him. But did you know that it wasn’t long after Jesus entered into Jerusalem that he found the temple filled with people buying & selling (to the pilgrims & foreigners at inflated prices). He flipped those tables and cleared it out. This was an example of Jesus removing the leaven from His Father’s house.

Matthew 21:12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.

A house with leaven is a house that is puffed out and full of pride. A house of prayer is a house of humility and communion with God. And we are now the house of God. 

1Peter 2:5 And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.

We now must self-examine what leaven is present within our own lives. This is the season to “clean the house”.

  • How often are we praying and talking with God? Jesus said that his Father’s house will be called a house of prayer. A house of prayer is in communion with Him daily just as it was at the beginning in Eden.
  • What are we watching? What are we listening to? What are we permitting into our ear-gate and eye-gates?
  • What things are we allowing into our homes and lives that are unhealthy for our spiritual walk with God?
  • What have we allowed into our hearts? This is the place where God now dwells. Our hearts ought to be a most holy place for Him.
  • Which Jesus  do we identify with (donkey riding or table flipping)?

The yeast of the Pharisees and Herod

Jesus spoke to his disciples one time about being mindful of yeast in their lives. The context of this conversation was just after He had fed 4000 people with a few loaves of bread and fish. We pick up the story in Matthew 16:14 The disciples had forgotten to bring bread, except for one loaf they had with them in the boat. 15 “Be careful,” Jesus warned them. Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.

16 They discussed this with one another and said, “It is because we have no bread.”

17 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: “Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 18 Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?

The disciples were looking at the natural things, but Jesus was talking about the condition of their hearts. You see, the Herodians were partnered with the Sadducees. The Sadducees were an aristocratic group who saw devotion to God as a key to blessings in life. They were the ones who controlled the concessions in the temple which sold the animal deemed “acceptable” for sacrifice. They were politically minded and believed that fidelity to God produces tangible, personal wealth. On the other hand, you had the Pharisees who were usually theologically opposed to the Sadducees. They were observers of rules and traditions. They would avoid anything they deemed unholy or defiling. Together, the Pharisees and Sadducees made up the Sanhedrin, the second Temple ruling council. 

God's Redemptive Nature

We can see how God has instructed us to remove the leaven from our lives in his direction to keep a yearly memorial of how Israel left Eygpt. We also see how Jesus himself cleared the Temple of the “leaven” just before the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The point of the unleavened bread was to illustrate that there was no time for the yeast to cause the bread to rise. In Egypt, time was short and the Israelites were instructed to be ready for The Lord. When Jesus cleared the Temple of those selling goods, the time was short. He was preparing to become the Ultimate Sacrifice for all.

Jesus also cautioned about the yeast of the Sadducees and Pharisees, which can be summed up by saying not to be proud. Don’t be too loose with our spiritual walk so to be corrupted by a political self-serving spirit. Likewise, we are not to be so spiritually compliant that we are stuck in the traditions in man to the point where we are missing the Messiah when He is right in front of us. We cannot separate ourselves from the world just to keep it from influencing us.

Knowing all of this, let’s look at one more time when Jesus spoke about yeast. In the Kingdom we are to be the leaven that influences the world. Matthew 13:33 He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

In this example, we see that God will gradually influence the world. The Kingdom is a different kind of yeast than that of personal pride. However, it is a yeast of confidence. Paul wrote to the Corinthian church about this topic.

1 Corinthians 5: 6-8  Your boasting is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough? Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you are in fact unleavened. For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed. Therefore let us celebrate the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

We are to be part of God’s original Genesis mandate, Multiply and Influence.

  • Adam & Eve were told to multiply and have dominion over the earth Gen 1:28
  • Noah & family were instructed to multiply and cover the earth Gen 9:1
  • Jesus’ ascension (Great Commission) multiply and make disciples of all nations. Matt 2816 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Time is short once again today. We need to be ready and prepared for The Lords return. There is no time to be “business as usual” when he is coming back for a Bride without blemish. There is no time like the present for us to prepare ourselves and also influence those around us.

  • Remove the old leaven
  • Walk out the Kingdom and be influencers of the whole lump
  • Celebrate the true Passover Lamb and God’s victory that makes a way for us
You will do greater things

You will do greater things

Would you like to be used by God to positively impact people around you? As you read stories about Jesus, have you ever dreamed of doing things like he did; encouraging others to live for God, seeing others respond to the message of Heaven, operate in healings and miracles? What if I told you that Jesus made a promise to his followers that empowers them to walk in greater things? Let’s explore this promise and how to walk in inheritance of Jesus’ words.

If the Bible is inerrant and it is the baseline for our theology, then Jesus is the absolute Truth. The things he said and the person he is are the definition of truth. He is the fulfilment of the Scriptures and nothing about him contradicts them.

Jesus is the Word (John 1). We can trust the word of God, because Jesus personifies the word of God.

The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). When we tell others about the things Jesus said or did, we are functioning in the prophetic. We are also mirroring a job of the Holy Spirit when we testify about Jesus (John 15:26).

Jesus is the Way to the Father (John 14:6). He is the only path to eternal life with God in the kingdom of heaven.

I share these examples of who Jesus is to highlight the fact that we can TRUST his promises. Let’s agree that if Jesus said it, then we can accept it as true. So, here is the promise. It can be found in John 14:2 when Jesus was speaking with his disciples… “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” The context for this promise is Jesus confronting his disciples with the fact that he was leaving this world and returning to the Father.

So, now that we have highlighted the promise I would like to propose some questions for you to think about. Wrestle with these questions and determine for yourself if this promise is worth truly inheriting.

Who is this promise available to? Jesus says that anyone who has faith in him will do what he has been doing. This means that the promise of walking in greater things is available to anyone who believes! It is only limited by those who lack faith.

How to we walk out doing these “greater things” (signs, wonders, miracles, healings)? It is through The Holy Spirit that we can function in supernatural gifting. Jesus actually told his disciples that it was better for them that he return to the Father, so The Holy Spirit would come in his place. It isn’t our own power or ability to heal or release miracles. It is The Holy Spirit at work THROUGH us. All we can do is have faith in Jesus and agree with the words of this promise.

Why were we given such an amazing gift? Well, the truth is that the gift isn’t really for us. Signs, wonders, healings, and miracles are for the purpose of observer. They are evidences that accompany the message of the Kingdom and the gospel of Jesus. Showing the gospel alone does not penetrate the hearts of men. It is the power of God that draws men unto Him (John 6:44).

What shall we conclude from this? Faith in Jesus means much more than being saved from our sin. We certainly celebrate salvation and living victoriously. However, walking in the promise of doing the “greater things” empowers us to live with God’s power on display for His glory. This is the fullness of the Gospel and it is available for you today.

Yahweh loves you and has plans for you!

Yahweh loves you and has plans for you!

 Yahweh, You are so loving

Almighty God, You are love!

How much You teach us about who You are if we take notice

When we position ourselves to receive Your perspective, everything is better!

How much our perspective increases to be in alignment with what You say lies within our grasp

We get to overcome the inner voice telling us things are not good

Verily, You say to gaze upon what is pleasant, righteous and light

Evermore, let us surrender to look through Your lens and throw down our lenses

You are faithful to teach us 

Only letting go of our own ideas unleashes the floodgates of discovery with You, Almighty God

Never do I want to pick back up the damaged lens I had used for a lifetime

Help me to get Your lens that awaits me even now and strap it on, securing Your truth

To peer at people and our current life circumstances with Your lens is the only way!

Already, You have every solution

Naysayers are not operating from the lens of what You say for You always speak life, life, life

Only You could save us

Really this is more clear than ever

You are awakening Your remnant!

Only You give us our marching orders

Until You say “Move”, we could only keep eyes on You!!!


Calling all Whistleblowers

Calling all Whistleblowers

Come all of you
Arrive on your post today
Let your voices be heard
Let truth prevail!
I AM covering you
Know this, I AM on the move!
Go out to the public square
Allow Me to use you and your voice
Let the truth be heard in the public square
I AM letting your voice and your truth,
which aligns with what I say,
to be heard in the halls of justice short shrift!
When you step up and step out
Holy Spirit is with you
I Am the spirit of truth
So get your feet moving, and then release your sound
Let the truth ring through this land
Every single person who has this assignment,
begin a movement of letting My truth resound in the land
Only then will you see justice prevail
Every one of you who carry My truth,
you will be released to bring truth to the masses
Surrender your comfort, your anonymity
It is good to move forward
The time is now
I have set the stage
You will be under My covering – you already are under My covering
I AM bringing stealth communications
I AM bringing the army I have assembled to stand with you
I have the undercover Kingdom operatives ready to come onto the international stage
The scene is set
Get on your queue – get on your post
It is Go time!
You are My cupbearers
My flagbearers
My squires
My warriors
I Am in your midst
You are wearing My armor
Let’s Roll!

I have My people on My heart, Child

I have My people on My heart, Child

I will never leave you, nor forsake you, Beloved

However you do it, you must hold onto My truth

Almighty God has you in His mighty right hand

Verily, I say, nothing will harm you as long as you stay steadfast

Everlasting life is yours – those who choose Me as your Lord and Savior

You will continue to be strengthened by Me in this hour

People of God, rally – pull together!

Every one of you in My body has a purpose

Others will try to come against you

Position yourself to hear My voice

Let the other voices fall away

End the other voices having access to you

Only I know what’s to become of your beloved

nation – she belongs to Me!

My nation – the U.S.A. – is going through some growing pains

You will see her grow more in this season than the preceding centuries, by far

Help is here – it is in the form of prayer, repentance and My angel armies

Every one of you, when you do your Father’s business, are fortified by Angel Armies sent by Me!

Remember Me as you go about your days

Today, I AM doing a new thing

Child, I have got you in the palm of My hand

Hallelujah – Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice

I AM on the move

Let me lead you through the desert into the Promised Land

 John 14:18“I promise that I will never leave you helpless or abandon you as orphans—I will come back to you

PSA 63:8 With passion I pursue and cling to you.
    Because I feel your grip on my life,
    I keep my soul close to your heart.

John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

PHIL 4:12-13 I know what it means to lack,[a] and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

HEB 10:24-25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

PSA 68:33 Make music for the one who strides the ancient skies.
    Listen to his thunderous voice of might split open the heavens.

PSA 22:28 For the kingdom is the Lord’s,
And He rules over the nations.

NAH 2:2 For the Lord will restore the excellence of Jacob
Like the excellence of Israel,
For the emptiers have emptied them out
And ruined their vine branches.

PSA 34:7 The angel of Yahweh stooped down to listen as I prayed,
    encircling me, empowering me, and showing me how to escape.
    He will do this for everyone who fears God.

ISA 43:19 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
    now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
    and rivers in the desert.

ISA 49:16 See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;
Your walls are continually before Me.

EXOD 6:6-8 “I am God. I will bring you out from under the cruel hard labor of Egypt. I will rescue you from slavery. I will redeem you, intervening with great acts of judgment. I’ll take you as my own people and I’ll be God to you. You’ll know that I am God, your God who brings you out from under the cruel hard labor of Egypt. I’ll bring you into the land that I promised to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and give it to you as your own country. I AM God.”

The Lord is drawing us near to Himself in this Season

The Lord is drawing us near to Himself in this Season

In this season, I feel the Lord is saying it’s time to draw near to Him and to the family He has placed us with for such a time as this. I heard, “You will laugh together, you will cry together. You will pull together, you will lean in together. You will worship together, you will pray together, you will do life together”

And we will see how He says this is to be walked out. As we draw near to the Lord in the secret place, each, and every one in a company of people, our hearts will be knit together. Even when we’re not physically together, there’s a fortification process, there’s a strengthening. Just like all of the components of an engine that work together and are strengthened by being in the fire, forged in the fire. Forged in the fire. Forged in the fire. If a part is not up to task, think of, “throwing a rod”, it cannot stay in the engine. It cannot stay in the fire for the forging that is occurring in the engine. This is a time, a time of being forged in the fire.

Stand strong, stand together, link arms!
Stand together, stand strong, link arms. Stand together, stand strong, link arms. Spur each other on. Rejoice for one another. There’s no room for selfishness, there’s no room for selfish intent. There’s no room for your own agenda. You all have different strengths. You get to shine, shine, shine, shine, shine! You get to shine, shine, shine, shine, shine!

The key is important because lest the key turn the ignition switch on, the igniting will not occur. There’s a spark required to fire up the engine. There must be an igniting, a fire, a spark. Lest the starter kick in, it all gets shut down. Nothing is going to occur. Then, there’s engine combustion. Combustion to get up to speed, to take off. For transition, the transmission must be in good working order. To ensure a smooth transition, the transmission must be in good working order. To ensure a smooth transition up and down in speed, up and down in speed.

The gas tank, which holds the fuel is very, very important because if you run out of gas you stop, you stop, you stop. You don’t go any further. The exhaust system is crucial, is crucial to exterminate, extinguish, exhaust, to push out the dirt, the grime that is created by going up, up and up in speed. When the Power comes, when the Power comes, when the Power comes some things are going to have to fall off, fall off, fall off. Just like exhaust, just like exhaust. So the exhaust pipe must be sound to get out what must get out.

The oil, the oil, the oil, the oil, the oil, the oil, the oil, the oil. The oil provides the cooling system. The oil provides the cooling system. Lest you have the oil, the engine will self-combust. It will be out of control. It will be out of control. So each part of the engine mechanism has a crucial, vital, important role that could only be performed by that part. Rejoice. Rejoice. Rejoice over the part that each, and every one of you gets to contribute.

Rejoice together, cry together, laugh together, praise together, pray together, get in the word together, seek My face together.
Also, to fortify the part, your part, that you contribute, pressing into Me in the secret place is of paramount importance. Paramount importance. Paramount importance. Paramount importance!

Don’t hesitate. Don’t hesitate. Don’t hesitate. The engine has to be warmed up to perform at top capacity in the cold. In inclement conditions. You have inclement conditions spiritually in your nation, in your world. Be faithful. Be faithful. Be faithful. Do it for the betterment of the entire company of people that I have positioned you with. It is strategic. It is strategic. My Issachar timing is on your company of people. My Issachar timing is on your company of people. Why do you think the speakers keep speaking about the atmosphere that’s been cultivated in your house? It’s tangible. It’s tangible.

If it were an engine, the people anywhere in the radius within the sound of that engine would hear it revving up. The engine is revving up! The engine is revving up! The engine is revving up! You are in the race, children. You are in the race. You are running a good, good race. You are running a good, good, good, good, good, good, good race. Hallelujah, Shalom Center, you are running a good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good race.

It so pleased me, it so pleased Me to see you encouraged by the words each other received in the house Wednesday night. (10/6/21) It so encouraged Me to hear you rejoice over the words that each of you received in the house. Keep doing what you’re doing. You keep doing what you’re doing and I am going to keep doing what I AM doing. Keep doing what you’re doing. You keep doing what you’re doing and I am going to keep doing what I AM doing.

My hand is upon you, Shalom Center. My hand is upon you. My hand is upon you. Nothing, nothing will take My hand off of you. Nothing, nothing will take My hand off of you. Nothing, nothing will take My hand off of you. But if you can’t take the heat, you better get ready, get ready, get right, get right, get right with Me.

But if you can’t take the heat, you better get ready, get ready, get right, get right, get right with Me. But if you can’t take the heat, you better get ready, get ready, get right, get right, get right, get right, get right with Me. It’s going to get messy. It’s going to get messy, because it does when things go into the fire. You have got to get fortified! Remember, the things that don’t belong – the grimy, gritty things, will be pushed out, pushed out, pushed out and left on the road. And left behind.

We’re revving up! We’re revving up! We’re revving up! We’re revving up!
We’re revving Up! We’re revving Up!

Point Toward God

Point Toward God

Through the renewing of our minds, we should be conformed into the likeness of Jesus and point others to God

God is the Creator and sustainer of all things and has designed creation to be in relationship with Him. We have all been given a will or a free choice to walk in relationship with our Creator or not. The Garden of Eden was a perfect place, yet mankind chose his own ways over God’s ways and thus, was removed from the garden. Heaven is a perfect place, yet some angels chose their will over God’s will and were cast out of heaven. Here on Earth, we all have been given that same free will to choose to follow or abstain from walking with God.

We are all created in God’s image, yet we struggle to relate to the one we were created to be like. Scripture teaches us that upon Salvation, our minds are to begin the process of renewal (from old ways of thinking to new ways of thinking). It also tells us that it was God’s plan from the beginning for those that love Him, to start looking more like Jesus. This is a picture of an actual conversion.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 8:29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn of many brothers and sisters.


Holy Spirit – Sent by God and He ALWAYS points to Jesus

In chapter 14 from the book of John, Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his disciples. He actually said that it was better that he go back to heaven, so that the Spirit will come. In this instruction to his followers, Jesus described the role of the Holy Spirit as one brings, truth, helps teach us, and advocates on his behalf.

v26 “But the Advocate, The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything that I have said to you.”

From this short passage we learn that The Spirit is a gift sent by God. He teaches us & reminds us of the things that Jesus taught. He advocates and testifies on Jesus’ behalf. We know that The Spirit guides us in all truth and doesn’t speak on His own. Instead, He tells us what He hears and what is yet to come. He glorifies Jesus because he receives direction from Jesus regarding what to show us.

Jesus – Came so that we might know the Father and He ALWAYS points to the Father

There was a time between the end of the Old Testament prophets and the coming of Jesus where the voice of God was not heard (like an unanswered text message for 500 years).
Religious Leaders of that time had the books of Law, given to Moses by God as a guide on how to interact with Him. However, they did NOT have a relational worldview of who God was, like man did back in the Garden of Eden. When Jesus arrived on the scene, he was the first person to ever begin talking about God as a Father. Jesus came to restore mankind’s perception of God’s identity as a Father who loves His family. Everything Jesus did was what He saw the Father doing, similar to The Spirit only speaking what He hears (John 15:13).

John 5:19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

Jesus is the only way to know the Father. Everything he did or said was intentional to point toward God. There is a unity between Father, Son, Holy Spirit that serves as a picture for us to see what our relationship with the Creator should look like. We have the invitation to walk in the same type of unity with God. If Jesus is fully submitted to the Father and Holy Spirit is fully submitted to Jesus, then we too  can live a life fully submitted to The Holy Spirit.

Jesus showed us what it looks like to love others in a way that caused others to love him in return. He showed us how much Father, Son, Holy Spirit love one another. If we are yielded to the leadership of the Spirit, (reference Romans chapter 8) then our self-will has been put to death. We are children of God who were created in His image, are having our minds renewed to think like God, and are predestined to walk with Him as part of His beloved family. Our self-will has no power over us if our flesh has been truly crucified with Christ and we are living empowered by The Spirit of God. As part of God’s family, we are then heirs to all that He has to offer. This is very good news for us!


As we ponder this, we ask for renewed minds and renewed hearts. Guide us Holy Spirit and teach us how to walk in a manner that points to the Father. May our focus remain on God and His eternal Kingdom as we model what it is like to be co-heirs with Christ. We exalt the person of Jesus in our lives as we give the glory to God for adoption into this Kingdom family. We go forth as Ambassadors of the Kingdom from which we represent, so that the world around us will know your heart and desire for them.


My People are on My Heart

My People are on My Heart

My people, My people are on My heart, says Jesus

My people, My people, My people
My people, My people, My people
They perish for lack of knowledge
They perish, they perish, for lack of knowledge
They must get into My word, they must get into My
word, they must get into My word 

They must get into My Presence
They must get into My Presence
They must receive Me, receive Me, receive Me, says Holy Spirit
They must receive Me, receive Me, receive Me, receive Me, receive Me

The hour is late, the hour is late, the hour is late. I want not one to perish, not one, not one, not one to perish

Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up
This is not a time to be sleeping, this is not a time to be sleeping, this is not a time to be sleeping

Deep down, deep down, deep down. Dig deep, dig deep, dig deep
Dig Deep, Dig Deep, Dig Deep, Dig Deep, Dig Deep, Dig Deep, Dig Deep

You will find that you yearn for Me, you yearn for Me. You’re empty, you’re empty, you’re empty without Me. You’re empty, you’re empty, you’re empty without Me. You’re empty, you’re empty, you’re empty without Me

Whatever agenda you have, this cause that you have, this cause, this cause is making you think that you have purpose. This is not what I created you for. This is not what I created you for. That is not what I created you for. This is humanism, humanism, humanism. No different than when Eve looked into the face of the serpent and accepted what he said as truth and did what he said to do. This is what is occurring now. This is what is occurring, this is what is occurring, this is what is occurring.

If you are born of the Spirit, you are in the Davidic line and you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not accept this as truth… you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not accept this as truth… you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not, you will not accept this as truth. You will not. You will not.

Fortify, fortify, fortify, fortify, fortify, fortify. Come together with like-minded ones. Come together with like-minded ones. Come together with like-minded ones!

I AM raising up an army, I AM raising up an army, I AM raising up an army. Army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army, army. You’re in the army now, you’re in the army now, you’re in the army now, you’re in the army now. You’re in My army!

My angels are with you, they’re with you, they’re with you, they’re with you, they’re with you. Don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it for a moment. This is your purpose, this is your purpose, this is your purpose, this is your purpose, this is your purpose, this is your purpose.

Stand, stand, stand, stand, stand, stand, stand. You stand for righteousness, you stand for righteousness, you stand for righteousness, you stand for righteousness!

Don’t you falter, don’t you falter, don’t you falter. Don’t you falter, don’t you falter, don’t you falter, don’t you falter. Not for a moment, not for a moment, not for a moment, not for a moment, not for a moment

 Don’t you falter, don’t you falter, don’t you falter. Don’t falter, don’t falter, don’t falter, don’t falter

If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall. If you don’t falter, you won’t fall!!!

Empowered by The Spirit

Empowered by The Spirit

Welcome to Spirit Empowered Ministries

We believe that Jesus is alive, and The Spirit of God is pursuing people daily for them to encounter the love that He has for them. God is speaking to those who are willing to listen to His voice. Jesus said that He did nothing on his own, but only what He saw The Father doing. Jesus was empowered by The Holy Spirit. And He promised that God would send the Spirit to be our helper.

The work of Holy Spirit is to testify about Jesus. His mission was to glorify The Father. As members of the family of God, we have been given the tools to do the same and be agents to a broken and hurting world for the glory of God. Holy Spirit is One who empowered Jesus and is the One who empowers us.

What does it look like to be fully surrendered to the leading of Holy Spirit in our lives? It is dying to ourselves and living for the glory of God. It is placing a higher priority on the voice of God than the opinions of others (or even ourselves). Today, be encouraged to live your life to its fullest and bring glory to the One who has made a way for you. Live a victorious life being Empowered by The Spirit. You can walk it out with His help.

Being A Difference Maker

Being A Difference Maker

Are you influencing the world or is the world influencing you? I believe that many of us can answer yes to the first question, but how about the second one? How much impact do you have on the area that you live in? Can an entire city become transformed by a single righteous person?

Proverbs 11:11 tells us that “through the blessing of a righteous man a city is exalted, but by the mouth of the wicked it is destroyed.” We all have a part to play when it comes to making a difference in our community and the lives of those around us. We are all shifting the atmosphere in one direction or another. In order for us to shift the atmosphere in a positive direction, I would like to offer 5 things to remember when influencing positive change:

  1. You are Righteous in God’s eyes once you have been “born again”

Paul wrote to the Galatians “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” Father God sees Jesus when He looks at us. He sees a finished work and Jesus’ righteousness, not our own. I believe that when we are in right standing (righteousness) before God that He not only pours out His favor and blessing upon us, but also on those who are in close proximity to us. Maybe that is unsaved family members living in your household or maybe it is a group of people on a plane or bus that you are on. They are all blessed just because you are there, and the favor of God is upon your life. We know from Genesis chapter 18 that Abram pleaded with God for the city of Sodom. God answered Abram in verse 32 saying that He would not destroy the city on account of just ten righteous men. As I look at America and the division that has taken root in this country, I am reminded that there are many more than ten righteous people who love the Lord in this country. There are many people who serve God every day and are walking in love as we are all commanded to do. They are all favored by God and His blessing is also on those around them. God also sees you as righteous and will bless those who are close enough to you to get some of the overflow of His goodness in your life.

2. Guard your heart and mind in Jesus

Do not allow yourself to become distracted by the negative. If the enemy of your soul can get your focus, then it becomes easier for you to entertain or partner with a divisive spiritual climate. Though there is a great deal of focus placed on turmoil by the world culture, there are many good things happening every day all around us. “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, anything that is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things and The God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8

Though there is a great deal of focus placed on turmoil by the world culture, there are many good things happening every day all around us.

It is too easy to focus on the polarizing issues of the day and either resign to either a hope-deferred mindset or engage those who do not agree with you in a combative mindset. In America the political spirit has many people (even many Christians) taking sides and opposing those who do not agree with them. The onslaught of political ads during election seasons has become an overwhelming barrage of mud-slinging that produces more of “putting down” the opponent than promoting a candidate’s actual agenda. People are quick to side with those who hold similar views and throw their Christian beliefs aside when engaging the opposition of their political affiliation. Now having said that, I am about to throw some real gas on this fire. There IS a racial and social divide in America. I am sensitive to the fact that there is no doubt the presence of social injustice at work in this country. However, we see all too often where the fires of divisiveness are being stoked by what is shown on TV, talked about on radio, or read about in the news. I see protests for racial, social, and gender equality happening to raise awareness for a cause. In some cases, it inflames the passion of those who do not agree with this form of protest to the point that you wouldn’t even know that they were Christians by reading their posts on social media. The fact that I am even writing this likely has different people responding differently internally, based on their view of what is “right or wrong” in their own eyes. Guard your hearts and minds, beloved. Do not get distracted or engage the trap to pin us against one another.

3. Have a heart for Reconciliation

God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 1 Corinthians 5:18

We do not need to land on one side or another when it comes to public opinion. Extend grace toward those who do not agree with your views, just as God has extended undeserved grace to you. Jesus taught about this in Matthew 18:21-35. When we make the conscience decision to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we are giving up our right to voice an opinion on who is right and who is wrong. Doing so would be us operating out of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Jesus bled, died, and rose again so that we wouldn’t have to live out of that tree. Instead of partnering with the divisive spirit that is working towards tearing relationships apart, Christians should be rising above political, cultural, and social differences to walk in unity with those who might think differently than them. This does not mean that you must agree with those who oppose your views. There are certainly some non-negotiables to the faith that cannot be ignored. However, Christians should absolutely be motivated by love and not by being “right” concerning their view on a matter. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation, not the ministry of tearing one another down.

Being right or wrong doesn’t make you any more or less powerful of a person, but walking in unity with others will always release power. In Genesis 11:6 God Himself says “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this [building the Tower of Babel], then nothing they plan will be impossible for them.” Unity is key to changing the atmosphere in your community. It works both in positive and negative influence.

4. Walk in a Mindset of Hope

Proverbs 13:12 says that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick…” Why would you ever want to agree with the hopelessness that you see in today’s news cycle? Stand on the promises of God and remind yourself that God is not capable of lying. Followers of Jesus should be a company of people who live their lives longing for the promises of God to be fulfilled. Jesus himself is a promise fulfiller! Now, the promises of God are a whole other subject that can be discussed at a different time. But you should know what God’s promises are, and you should celebrate when you see them being fulfilled. The second half of Proverb 13:12 says “but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” Living out of this tree is the gift of God when we make Jesus our Lord and Savior. Believe for the greater outcome and see the best in others. Learn to view others through the lens that God sees them through. This may be difficult at first, but it is key to being an agent of change and walking in a mindset of hope.

5. Focus on the one in front of you

So, can one righteous person transform an entire city? I don’t know, but what I do know is that we can all carry personal revival in our hearts. If you have ever been around someone who carries a faith for revival you would agree with me that what they carry is contagious. One person can influence one person and so on. When you begin to believe for something together with others in agreement, there is power released in the spirit. Influence those who are in your sphere of influence and God will grow that sphere. Be a positive influence on those who God has placed around you.

Remember that you are righteous in God’s eyes. Guard your heart so not to be caught up in the things of this world that entice and distract you from your purpose. Walk with a heart of reconciliation and a mindset of hope, seeing the best in others. Be a positive influence on those who God has placed around you and He will cause a “ripple effect”. Being a difference maker starts with a single person who is willing to make a difference. Nothing is impossible for God so imagine how we can collectively transform our cities by coming together in this common purpose. Look around; those around you are already being blessed.